pondělí 8. června 2015

Polish e-journal by Ola and Jan

The project is over so after a week we spent with our friends from Italy, Turkey and Czech we had to come back to our everyday activities. At the end of April we were waiting with impatience for arrival of our guests. It was hard to believe that it’s our last meeting and we would have to say goodbye soon. That made us very sad. Every day of our international exchange was filled with different activities - that's why it's difficult to choose only one to describe the best one. If we had to talk about things which went wrong, we would have to lie. The only one obstacle to live up to our plans was the weather, which was very variable. For us and our friends the most enjoyable experience was for sure learning how to dance our traditional dance- Polonaise. The thing that we will remember for a long time, except our normal activities in groups, was going out together and integration campfires when we forgot about divisions in languages or cultures and we could talk together and know each other better. For all of us the end of the project came too quickly. We had so many ideas and planned a lot things to do. We hope we’ll keep in touch and be friends despite the long distance among us. Perhaps someday we’ll meet together again and put through all our plans. Aleksandra Glinska & Jan Wisniewski

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